Finding Peace in the Chaos of Life

It was a hard day.

When I was a child, we lived in a big, old house on a nature preserve. When life was hard – perhaps there was yelling in the house, or the smell of smoke sparked my anxiety about fires – I could retreat to my room and organize. I spent hours organizing my school supplies, books, toys, and furniture. That activity gave me comfort and a sense of control. I can still sense the warmth of the sun streaming in the tall windows while I lost myself in my things.

When I was a teenager, we lived in a different house. My angst was most likely related to boy troubles, body shame, conflict in the family. For comfort I’d light some incense, put the black light bulb in my bedside lamp, play sad music (Dan Fogelberg was a favorite), and lose myself in journaling and tears.

Last week there was angst of a different kind. It helped to talk with others, but too often I found myself hardened behind a wall of fear and anger, leaning into powerlessness, consumed by dread and sadness.

I’ve been clawing my way back to light, hope and joy. Creating space that fostered peace and calm was, once again, a balm.

  • sitting by the soft glow of the fire in the living room, talking with loved ones, enjoying good food and drink

  • lighting candles and playing relaxing music during a shower

  • taking time to restore order to the house, which had become cluttered through a full week of work that included deliveries of collectibles that need to be sold

Our space has the power to foster peace and calm…and the power to contribute to anxiety and stress.

When life is hard for whatever reason, remember that you have the power to take even small actions to nourish your wellbeing.  What do YOU do to find more peace and calm at home?


Numbers: Counting Our Blessings


Joyful Treasures