Three hours – remarkable difference!
This client was frustrated with the clutter in her primary closet, a result of a recent move and a lot of change. In 3 hours, we made a big difference in restoring order. It’s not all done; when I left, there were still a few bins in the bedroom that needed to be sorted. But she’s now using the space more efficiently and able to store more in the closet.
Where could you use some renewed order?

When there is stuff all over, it creates visual clutter than can impact stress levels, not to mention making it more difficult to get things done. Enter the role of organizers. This laundry room was packed in an unorganized fashion; the client wanted to restore order. We took everything out to sort and declutter, then replaced things in a logical way that allows easier access. What a difference! Now it’ll be easier to get laundry done and to find things like lightbulbs and household hardware.

Garages are often the place where people put things they don’t know where else to put; this garage was no exception. From athletic gear to gardening supplies, holiday decorations to family photos and mementos, it’s all there! But the client was motivated to get rid of unused items and restore order. She worked alongside two organizers for two sessions and was thrilled with the results. After the final pictures were taken, we even connected her with a buyer for the kayak! (In fact, she made money on this project; we sold her sterling silver, the kayak and a variety of other items from the garage.) She still has a lot of boxes she wants to go through (on the table and shelves near the door), but she’s organized to get that job done and start tackling other parts of the house.

Earlier this year a client hired Spirit & Space to help him bring some order to his home. He determined that the primary area of focus should be the kitchen, which he shares with his two kids. The closet had mostly been used for cereal plus all sorts of other things. The cabinets were a jumble and needed some weeding out. The client did a great job of evaluating what he and his family needed and used, and helped create a much more organized system that will serve the family well. Here are the AFTER pictures:

And here are the BEFORE pictures…great evidence that a three-hour session with Spirit & Space helped a client motivated for change!

Have you ever seen a workshop so tidy? My associate Tonia has been working with this client for months on a whole-home decluttering project. This week they tackled the shop area of his basement, and he was THRILLED! It went faster than he expected, partly because he was making fast decisions and getting rid of a lot of unwanted items. (Also, Tonia is an efficient hard worker; our clients love working with her.) The client was so excited; he kept walking into the space and saying, “I can’t believe it.”
Sometimes we get so used to seeing our clutter that we lose sight of how much better it could feel to get a handle on it. What spaces are weighing heavily on you? Call Spirit & Space for accountability and assistance to get it done!

This client hired Spirit & Space for a three-hour primary closet project. She’s an organized person and thought she should be able to do it herself, but wanted the accountability that I provide. She also wanted help sorting and making decisions, estimating that 50% of the clothes needed to leave her house.
I asked questions to help her make decisions, offered organizing tips, and sorted for consignment and donation. I also identified purses, wallets and bags to sell; some were sold to local vintage dealers and others will be delivered to Everything But The House (the online auction) with items from other clients next month. She’s also planning to go through her jewelry and let S&S handle sales of the items she no longer wants. She said, “I never expected there would be money to be made from this!”
The client continued the sorting and organizing process after I left, buoyed by the energy and motivation she felt from the session. She bought shoe boxes to organize in a way that suits her and made final adjustments in the following days. She was thrilled with the final results! “This is one of the most satisfying things I’ve done in a long time. When I got dressed to go out last night, it was so easy to find things. Thank you for your guidance, your knowledge of what to do with stuff that I no longer needed, and for pushing me enough to get rid of things that I no longer needed or used.”

This client engaged Spirit & Space when she realized her home had just gotten away from her in recent years. Susan was embarrassed by the clutter, didn’t want to have guests over, and didn’t know where to start. In short, it was overwhelming. She used to be very neat and wanted to “get back to tidy.” We’re still in the middle of the whole-home decluttering job, but here are some images from the kitchen declutter day.
Even after a few sessions Susan was feeling confident enough to have two friends over; she was so happy, and they praised her for how great things looked. She said, “I love having open spaces in my house. I love how I can focus more on my work because of how clear my house is now. I have been trying to get it together, but what a challenge. I finally decided to take my niece’s advice and have a professional organizer. I admit feeling very anxious about this but the new look in my home and the clearness of my head are just remarkable.”

In October Spirit & Space was on the ground in New Hampshire. One project was this laundry room, which includes a cubby system that has always perplexed this client. After decluttering decisions, we were able to establish an orderly system that delighted! Containers that fit the slots helped make the space more functional.

“We have a surface problem.” That was one of the first things Susy said to me in our initial consultation. Exhibit A: the dining room table, which doubles as her desk and was always covered in paper. We started with virtual sessions, working through clutter spots in their home and discussing the downsizing process. Susy and Bob engaged the decluttering process with vigor, working together between our sessions to make a big impact on their space. I arrived on the scene six months later and we worked together for three and a half days, sorting through belongings, creating organizational systems, and bringing order to the space in an aesthetically pleasing way.
The transformation was remarkable. For the first time in years, the dining room table was available for relaxed meals. Organizational systems and products allowed them to utilize storage more efficiently, creating more space than they thought possible. Susy said, “This is the first time in 31 years that we’ve both been committed to purging and organizing. I’m aware that organization reduces stress; we’ve spent 31 years with stress due to clutter. But once we got started on this process, it got easier and easier.” Check out related blog for more insight and pictures for this project.

This San Diego closet was crowded and unorganized, which made it hard for the client to access her clothes and shoes. We whipped it into shape in less than three hours. What made the biggest difference?
More effective shoe storage, including an easy organizer for under the bed
Purging of items she doesn’t wear
Better utilization of shelves, including storage of seasonal items
Getting ready will be so much easier! Click through the carousel to see the difference.
This playroom was a kick, helping a busy mom create a little more order for her creative kids to have fun! Check out the After/Before Pix (including created worlds that were relatively untouched on the floor)

The 6/8/23 blog features Savannah, recently widowed and struggling with grief. She had started to reclaim her home, but was burdened by the clutter and unsure what to do with the remaining items of her husband’s. An avid baker, the antiquated kitchen wasn’t working for her, and it certainly couldn’t support her burgeoning bakery business. Spirit & Space worked with Savannah to create an orderly, uplifting home that works for her brain, allows her to maintain the order she seeks, and supports her on the path to her “new, beautiful life.” Take a minute to scroll through the carousel of some of Savannah’s reorganized spaces.
Does your bathroom give you some zen in the morning? What a difference it makes to have things in their place, easy to find. So much more calming than trying to find stuff in the clutter case in the second picture!

What a delight to help this client declutter her kitchen! An avid baker starting her own bakery business, she really needs this space to work for her. The small cabinets in her home were a challenge, but we worked with them as best we could. She said, “I can see where everything is and I don’t overbuy now!” The simple, clean lines on the counter make her brain happy, too.

SNAP! Two hours and this home gym was decluttered and much more orderly. Stuff that needs to be handy is readily accessible; stuff that isn’t used much is tucked away. The client said she knew that if she hired Spirit & Space, the job would get done. Partnership and accountability for the win!
What a difference three hours makes! This client was the highest silent auction bidder for donated hours with Spirit & Space, supporting Indiana Youth Group. When I went into her home, she quickly pointed to her kitchen desk and said, “This is my most critical space. This drives me nuts because it’s not working for me. I’m stuck.” In three hours we just scratched the surface…or rather, we cleared the surface! She went through papers, recycling quite a bit along the way, and we re-homed various items from on top and under the desk. When I left, the client still had piles to sort through, but she made more progress later in the day. She said, “I am thrilled with the impetus to clear and organize the space, and the permission to let go of some papers I wondered about. I’m excited about my progress today…and feel hopeful where I felt very overwhelmed before!” It’s rewarding to help people reclaim their space, creating a calmer atmosphere that works better for them.
This client said she was overwhelmed with the clutter and mess on the lower level of her home. The area includes her studio for an art-based business, and a TV area that the family never used because it was so messy. There’s also a storage space that was totally full. We flipped the spaces so that the family doesn’t have to walk through the studio to get to the TV, and considered the most efficient way to set up the studio. Next, we tackled the storage room. Throughout the process the client thoughtfully considered the items we handled. This project was truly transformational. Now she can run her business more effectively in a space that brings her joy, and the family likes using the TV area again. And the storage room – well, you have to see the pictures to believe it! Click through the “After” pictures to see the a difference from “Before.”
“Working with Stephanie helped me realize that I was holding onto many things I thought I needed but didn’t; it was causing stress and I didn’t even realize it. Questions such as ‘Where should this live?’ and ‘How might you use this again?’ helped me make decisions. about what to purge.”
Michelle, Indianapolis IN
This Colorado client had a whole-home organizing project upon moving back home after a major renovation. Check out these before and after pictures to see some of the results.
“Stephanie is an amazing presence for someone seeking order, organization, downsizing in small or large ways. She’s spent the last week with us; I have been so grateful for her wisdom, her understanding, and her companioning as I sort through things, discerning what is truly something to carry forward and what I am ready to thank and let go of.”
Elizabeth, Estes Park CO

This client asked Spirit & Space to fill his new kitchen, purchasing everything he needs to make great food and entertain family and friends. Before installation we coordinated all purchasing and planned the space. Over three days, my colleague and I unpackaged all the boxes, prepared the product as well as the cabinets and drawers, took care of shopping errands to ensure we had what we needed, and installed everything; having pre-planned the space, we knew exactly where everything should be. The client likes everything in its place and a streamlined look; the whole house reflects that, including the garage, which has fantastic storage that was perfect for overflow kitchen product. He was thrilled with our work, noting that it achieved the “wow factor” he wanted.
This New Hampshire client was totally overwhelmed with the basement beforehand; she said, “I can’t tell you how many times I went down those stairs and went right back up because it was too much to deal with.” One priority was creating a space they could use to relax in the hot summer months; without air conditioning, the basement is the coolest space. The client and I had fun working together; we were both motivated to bring order out of chaos!
“Having Stephanie of Spirit and Space work to organize unruly rooms in my house was amazing! We moved through the space each day with a plan, which was so helpful for me. It took 3 1/2 days of keeping at it, but having her to talk to, share stories with and to ask for advice when I didn't know what to do was invaluable. I learned a lot about how to organize, and go through things by working along beside her. Stephanie is very positive, ending each day with a short overview of what we'd accomplished, fielding questions or concerns, and was kind enough to ask how I was feeling about what was happening. (Cleaning out can sometimes be an emotional experience!) If you are overwhelmed with a space in your house or garage, I strongly recommend you call Spirit and Space. It is worth every penny on so many levels. You will be so glad you did.”
~Cathy, Stratham, NH

These clients just moved into a home together. What a joy it was for me to help them create sustainable organizing solutions, and to see how much pleasure they took in creating their home together. From a pantry that allows them to take advantage of deep cabinets, to dozens of spices organized for easy access…from a gracious guest room closet with extra storage, to a main closet that allows them to access their wardrobes easily…we created organized spaces that will ease their daily routines and bring them joy. Scroll through the pictures below to peek inside and see how things turned out!
“I really appreciated the time that Stephanie took at the outset to understand our habits and preferences. You can tell that she gets real joy from her work; she created an open and judgment-free zone for discussion. The results are not only beautiful, well organized and functional, they also perfectly reflect the ways that *we* cook, relax, and entertain. I have to admit that I didn’t initially think we needed an organizing service, just a little extra time to finish the move. But this is by far the best decision we could have made. The systems that Stephanie introduced us to will help us to keep things in order for years to come. In just a few days she transformed our beautiful house into a real home.”
~Nicole, San Diego, CA
This client wanted to tackle her garage -- clean out, store things more efficiently, and claim space to create a workout area. She was ready to go and we worked together for almost six hours. Her delight in the transformed space was exciting to see! It was an honor to come alongside her to bolster her spirit and help her create a space that reflects her and brings her joy.
“Thank you Spirit & Space for such a wonderful experience. I never imagined my garage could look so lovely, or that we could create such an organized atmosphere. Stephanie’s ability to help me ‘let go’ amazed me; she not only helped me realize I could do it, but I could do it with gusto! Stephanie was also kind enough to allow me time to reminisce over precious items that I completely forgot I had in my garage. She helped me with tips to prioritize and stay organized. Stephanie is a delight to work with and made me feel so comfortable during the entire process.”
— Jennifer, Muncie, IN

Even professional organizers let things go sometimes! The pictures below are from the storage room in our home, which hadn’t received much of my time or attention since the blur of the holiday season. First, I worked with my husband to go through boxes we hadn’t looked at since moving into the house. We then donated, sold, recycled, repurposed, and trashed a lot of stuff, and found more appropriate storage elsewhere for some items. After having pared down as much as possible, I reorganized everything in an aesthetically pleasing way. I had a great time working on this project and we love our “new” space!