Does your linen closet bring you joy?
Not to go all Marie Kondo on you (no, I haven’t read the book), but it’s a funny thought, isn’t it – how could a mundane storage area inspire joy? The proof for me came in August 2018, when my husband and I found ourselves in the unexpected situation of having a purchase agreement on a new house when we hadn’t even been planning to move. Long story short: a realtor mentioned a neighborhood we’d never even heard of, and we fell in love with a listing.
What does this have to do with linen closets? My sister was visiting when our offer was accepted. After the shock wore off – “What have we done?” – we tore into our house to prepare it to be sold. A professional organizer in Philadelphia, Suzanne offered invaluable assistance in those first couple of days. She made a masterpiece of the linen closet – sorting and refolding linens, moving items better stored elsewhere, throwing out stuff as appropriate; I wish I had before/after pictures. The final product truly brought me joy and inspired me to take greater care with our storage. The linen closet in our “new” home isn’t fancy; we didn’t install a closet system or buy expensive baskets (although there are a few inexpensive storage boxes on the lower shelf, not pictured here). But with a little care and coordination, we have a linen closet that is organized, highly functional, and aesthetically pleasing.
What’s in your linen closet, and how could you organize it more effectively to bring greater satisfaction, even joy? How-to tips are coming in a future post. For now, think about spaces in your home could use some attention. Organized, well-functioning spaces enhance the calm, peace, and joy in your home. If you need help, consider contacting Spirit & Space; it would be an honor to work with you.