Creating Calm in a Closet

Ever considered how a closet clean out might add some calm to your life? Sorting through a closet that holds too many clothes, including items you don’t love and that don’t fit, adds unnecessary stress.  

Ann hired Spirit & Space for a three-hour primary closet project. She’s an organized person and thought she should be able to do it herself, but wanted the accountability that I provide. She also wanted help sorting and making decisions, estimating that 50% of the clothes needed to leave her house.

Ann had already sorted through shoes, so we focused on the clothes and other items in the large walk-in closet. I asked questions to help her make decisions, offered organizing tips, and sorted for consignment and donation. I also identified purses, wallets and bags to sell; some were sold to local vintage dealers and others will be delivered to Everything But The House (the online auction) with items from other clients next month. Ann’s also planning to go through her jewelry and let S&S handle sales of the items she no longer wants. She said, “I never expected there would be money to be made from this!”

Ann continued the sorting and organizing process after I left, buoyed by the energy and motivation she felt from the session. She bought shoe boxes to organize in a way that suits her and made final adjustments in the following days. She was thrilled with the final results!

“This is one of the most satisfying things I’ve done in a long time. When I got dressed to go out last night, it was so easy to find things. Thank you for your guidance, your knowledge of what to do with stuff that I no longer needed, and for pushing me enough to get rid of things that I no longer needed or used.”


The Power of Connection


Will this be the Year of the Boxes?