Transformation of Space & Spirit
Thirteen months before we met, Savannah’s husband died at home after a long illness. Besides being firmly rooted in grief, she was also trapped in a remote corporate job that sucked the life out of her. Between the two, she found it hard to perform the daily tasks of life. In grief and anger, she’d torn up the carpets in the house, discovered hardwood floors, and was inspired to reclaim the home that was a gift from her husband, refinishing the floors and painting the drab neutral walls in enlivening colors. Still, she was burdened by the clutter and unsure what to do with her husband’s belongings. An avid baker, the antiquated kitchen wasn’t working for her, and it certainly couldn’t support her burgeoning bakery business.
We started with the kitchen and proceeded to declutter and reorganize all the spaces in the house. Savannah appreciated the questions I asked to understand how the space needed to work for her (and her brain), and I appreciated the way she honestly let me know when my suggestions didn’t cut it; we developed a very positive working relationship and had a lot of fun. There were also tears – days when the grief was right below the surface, when her job was frustrating and burdensome. The junk drawer is often an easy place for clients to get some momentum in the decluttering process; for Savannah, it was one of the most difficult projects because there was so much of her husband in that one little drawer. Same with the garage, which had been his domain. We worked together to restore order, find homes for unwanted items, and create a space that lifts Savannah’s spirits.
These days Savannah is able to maintain the house in an orderly way that supports her life and her business. She opens drawers and closets to share with her friends, clearly delighting in her space. She’s baking more (it was always a treat to test her bakes) and interviewing for a new job. She even has a special new friend, and that relationship feels good. Last weekend Savannah texted me: “My house really and truly feels like my home now. Thank you for helping me find my way on this journey, Stephanie.” That made my heart glad! It was an honor to be a partner in Savannah’s journey to her “new, beautiful life.”