“When life is out of control, you can always clean the kitchen.”
I remember a friend telling me this years ago, at a time when life felt very much out of control. One of my family members was in crisis, my husband was in the process of considering a job change in a different state, work was difficult, and I was stressed. Very stressed. This reminder from my friend helped put things in perspective. No, I couldn’t heal my family member or look into a crystal ball to find out what would happen in the job search. But taking a few minutes each evening to clean and straighten the kitchen calmed me in a way that made things just a little bit easier.
What helps you when life feels out of control? Do you have a ritual that restores your calm and helps you get through? Instead of the kitchen, you might take comfort in making the bed and preparing a calm space to inspire better sleep. Perhaps you could straighten your living room, turn on a soft lamp instead of the glaring overhead light, and settle into a comfy chair for even a few minutes to center yourself…perhaps with a cozy throw and a beverage of your choice). Many people find that a few minutes of quiet, deep breathing, yoga, prayer and/or meditation help enormously. Having a space where you can truly relax – even just one corner of your home – makes the process of centering and caring for yourself so much easier. Let me know if you need help with that.