Changing Footprints. Changing Lives.
What to do with those shoes you no longer need…even the grubby, holey ones? Don’t throw them in the trash! Changing Footprints will change lives with them.
Bob Broughton, Maureen Leisure and their team have built a nonprofit that distributes more than 130,000 pairs of shoes a year to needy people. They’ve spent 20 years figuring out what communities need shoes. From flood relief efforts in the US to people in poverty across the globe…from sneakers for shoeless children in Cuba to stilettos for prom nonprofits, Changing Footprints is making a difference.
They take any shoe in any condition and have kept more than 350 tons of shoes from the landfill. Even your falling apart tennis shoes find new life as playground material through a Nike recycling program partnered with Changing Footprints.
As a 100% volunteer organization, Changing Footprints enables volunteers to make a difference with as little or as much time and talent as they have. When I purchased new shoes at Athletic Annex and asked if they could recycle my old ones, it just so happened that Steve, the Changing Footprints volunteer, was there to pick up shoe donations. Athletic Annex is one of 150 shoe drop locations across the state of Indiana.
Check out the link to find a drop off location in Indiana near you, or reach out to start a drop off location at your organization.